The databases introduced here have been developed with support from the MINOS-EURONET project (Contract No. 015704 EU). For further information, visit the MINOS-EURONET website.
MINOS Brokerage Event on 2007 Calls in FP7
The databases cover specific topics from FP7 (Framework Programme 7) calls for 2007, particularly within:
- Health Calls 2007
- MINOS-selected topics
- Options to add, log in, search, and edit entries
- ICT Calls 2007
- MINOS-selected topics
- Options to add, log in, search, and edit entries
- NMP Calls 2007
- MINOS-selected topics
- Options to add, log in, search, and edit entries
Databases for Matching Partners in FP7 Calls
The "Matching Partners in FP7 Calls" databases list research groups with a focus on ICT, NMP (Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies), and relevant Health areas associated with NMP and ICT. These databases are intended to include groups from New Member States, Candidate and Acceding Countries, as well as Western European Countries, across three primary themes:
- Health Database
- ICT Database
- NMP Database
These databases are designed to:
- Enable research groups to promote their competencies and explore partnerships in micro, nano, and bio-technologies.
- Help identify specific competencies within topics from ICT, NMP, and Health calls for 2007.
- Support face-to-face networking at brokerage events.
About the "Matching Partners in FP7 Calls" Databases
These databases cover a broad spectrum within the FP7-2007 themes for Health, ICT, and NMP. Areas include micro, nano, and biotechnology applications in Health, ICT, and NMP, as well as “materials” topics in NMP. Key theme links include:
- Theme 1: Health (FP7 HEALTH)
- Theme 3: ICT - Information and Communication Technologies (as published in the ICT Work Programme on the FP7 site in December 2006)
- Theme 4: NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials, and New Production Technologies (selection from NMP Work Programme, December 2006)
For assistance in identifying the appropriate topic for your proposal, you may search by keywords related to these areas.
How to Use the “Matching Partners in FP7 Calls” Databases
To add information:
- Use the Add form to select topics of interest. For detailed topic descriptions, click on the help link.
- Structure your offer and expression of interest around specific call topics using keywords relevant to the call.
Upon submission, the system will generate a password, allowing immediate access to the login and search form. The search function allows for filtering by topics, keywords, organizational activity, and country of origin.
The following multidimensional topic groups (to be activated later) will help in cross-disciplinary searches:
- M-N-O-B: Micro-Nano-Opto-Bio
- N-M-B: Nano-Micro-Bio
- M-N-O: Micro-Nano-Opto
- B-O-N: Bio-Opto-Nano
- M-B-O: Micro-Bio-Opto
Why Register in the "Matching Partners in FP7 Calls" Database?
Registering promotes your competencies and visibility to other researchers who may contact you for:
- Conference participation
- Research projects
- Co-publications
- National or European public tenders
Who Can Register in the Database?
Research groups from across Europe intending to participate in future FP7 project proposals.
Who is Registered in “Matching Partners in FP7 Calls”?
Since its launch in January 2007, the database includes:
- 35 research groups in Health
- 52 research groups in ICT
- 127 research groups in NMP
Supported by European projects MINOS-EURONET and ROMNET-ERA, coordinated by IMT-Bucharest, these databases are promoted at national and international events within the projects’ scope and at other international events attended by the project coordinator.